Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fighting demons.

So, this year is my fourth year sober.

This isn't just something to nod at... I had a pretty close relationship with my buddy Jose Cuervo, and the good Captain. I decided on January 15th, 2006, that it was over. I wasn't alive, I was numbing out not only the bad but also the good. There are movies I've watched, books I've read, and conversations I've had that I can't remember fully. On that day though, I realized with my best friend that neither of us were on the right path and that if either of us were going to make it we'd have to do it together, and soon. So, that was our first night sober. That was the beginning of something beautiful.

We didn't know it that night that we'd be married a year and a half later. We didn't know it that night that just short of four years later we'd be the parents of a beautiful baby boy. That night, we just knew we needed someone to stand with, and no one else was volunteering. It was just us putting down the bottle together.

Weeks like this make me wonder how I ever found the strength to do that. Then I remember- I walked away from the people, the places, and the situations. I also had someone to stand with.

We don't have it all figured out just yet. Sometimes it gets pretty tense because we're only human. We're still standing though. We're still standing here together.

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