Monday, November 28, 2011

My philosophy.

I am going to become a birth educator.  Given my radical way of thinking and living, that scares the bejeepers out of lots of people.  I might give people ideas.  I might start little seeds of change which might improve how people look at birth.  I might just end up with another education that nets me little to no income change, but it's where I'm called and where I'm going.

I've had a few people call me out on this, "what are you POSSIBLY going to teach people?" and "Homebirth isn't the ONLY way to birth, you know." Oh, and "How are you going to teach people the right way to do stuff when you don't do things the right way?"

Because I swim against the current (co-sleeping, full-term nursing, home birthing, non-circ'ing, etc.) there are some who are afraid I'll start passing out Kool Aid and encourage everyone to drink deeply and come ride the crazy-wagon with me.  I'm not though.  At least, that's not my intention.  My belief is that 
neither western medical tradition nor holistic healing traditions hold all of the cards when it comes to birth. Much like my beliefs in politics: each side holds a piece of the puzzle, and both sides DO have the ability to enhance the outcomes of the other!

I'm no longer fully on the natural childbirth wagon. For me, it is the way I birth best based on my health state and what works best for my family. For you, it may be a full-on epidural cocktail with a perc chaser. Your choices are yours, birthing ladies of the future, but my job is to help get good, accurate, and balanced information into your hands so the choices you make are actual choices and not just something you do because your cousin's cousin said you couldn't do any different.

With luck, I will be teaching by mid 2012, mostly to lower income women and their partners in order to ensure that poor women have access to the knowledge on how their bodies work, how to cope with labor discomfort, parenting practices, and breastfeeding.

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