Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's day.

It was my first mother's day today. I never really believed I'd have one, but I have. I must say, it was awesome.

Not only am I completely in awe of this small child I so wholeheartedly love, I am completely thankful to the loving God who brought him into my life. Thankful for the husband who helped me bring him into our life to bring us from a couple to a family. Thankful for every smile and tear we've shared since.

I've said before that I am addicted to my child. I still maintain that I am.

Motherhood is something far, far, far greater than I ever thought. It's a feat of strength. It's a test of courage. It's an exercise in problem solving. It's a test of tenderness and thresholds. It's high-level multitasking. It's so big I can scarcely wrap my brain around it. It's love greater than I have experienced in my life previously. It grows every day with my little guy.

I used to worry about whether motherhood would interfere with my work. I have worked since I was 12, so it's obvious that I'd have my concerns about work. Work was my life. Now my son is my life and work still works... I think motherhood has actually made me a better worker. Now I have a reason for the work. Now I have a reason to be the best person I can be, because I am now not just accountable to myself, but to my son, who is learning how to be a human from my husband and I.

Have I mentioned I'm so very thankful? I am. Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there, present and future.

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